Lab solarachaidhean cuidhteasach meidigeach bonn còmhnard 96well microplates
Sealladh farsaing
Quick Fiosrachadh
Seòrsachadh: | Other |
Bathar Ainm: | Lab solarachaidhean cuidhteasach meidigeach bonn còmhnard 96well microplates |
Iarrtas: | lab consumable, meidigeach consumable, cheimigeach-lann |
MOQ: | 100pcs |
pacadh: | 100pcs / ctn |
Solar Comas: | 5000 Piece/Pieces per Day Lab supplies disposable medical flat bottom 96well microplates |
Pacaidh & Lìbhrigeadh | |
Packaging Details: | Meidigeach lab consumable bonn còmhnard elisa 96 truinnsear-math microplates |
Port: | Qingdao |
Lead Time : | 5-15days |
Lab solarachaidhean cuidhteasach meidigeach bonn còmhnard 96well microplates
bathar Tuairisgeul
ELISA plate 96-well microplates dubh follaiseach Bottom stuth sruth Disc: a chleachdadh nuair as ìsle stuth sruth chùl luach a tha a dhìth, an dàrna cuid tro bhith a 'shampall airson fluorescence dian tomhas agus airson sùil air na bileagan-sampaill no airson a' tomhas an t-sampall a 'cleachdadh na fìor-àm a rèiteach fluorometer.
ELISA plate 96-well microplates white plate: can produce the largest amount of reflected fluorescence but the relative fluorescence background value and optical crosstalk also increased, it is suitable for testing from above the fluorescent plate.
ELISA plate 96-well microplates black plate: the fluorescence background value and the lowest light crosstalk phenomenon, the light source from the top of the input backscattered light reduced to a minimum amount. ,
ELISA plate 96-well microplates gray fluorescent plate: the background fluorescence value of the scene to produce the message, when you do not need too strong fluorescence can choose it.
bathar Buannachd
1、Dubh no geal mullach cèis le cupa follaiseach bonn structar.
2、Upper cupa agus an truinnsear-ìosal air an dèanamh de polystyrene.
3、Floor tighead de nas lugha na 0.2cm.
4、Airson cealla ìomhaigheachd is mion-sgrùdadh, agus fluorescence luminescence homogeneous lorgaidh, enzyme co-cheangailte ri immunosorbent assay cealla agus cultar.
5、No fluorescence crosstalk eadar an toll-iongantas.
6、Math Optical soilleireachd.
7、No fluorescence halo buaidh.
8、Cell ceanglachan agus fàs a tha sàr-mhath.
9、Ìosal fluorescence chùl luach.
Fiosrachadh Companaidh
QINGDAO ama CO., Eta. Chaidh a lorg ann an 1992, prìomh oifisean ann an Taiwan agus riochdachaidh stèidh ann Qingdao.It tha sònraichte saothrachadh cuidhteasach deuchainnean meidigeach deuchainnean products.After ceithir bliadhna fichead oidhirpean, tha e air a bhith ainmeil 'chompanaidh ann an achadh meidigeach agus obair-lann ann an cuid China.Our bathar-steach: Petri shoithichean Cell cultar bathair, Blood Cruinneachadh pìoban, Centrifuge pìoban, Test pìoban, Serological PipettesTransfer Pipette, Pipette Tips.And e Vacuum fuil tube, test tube, Petri mheis agus maothraidh cultar air leth enjoyed.And ama seachad ISO9001, ISO13485 agus CE aonta.
Tha sinn air a bhith ainmeil 'chompanaidh ann an achadh meidigeach agus obair-lann bathair ann an Sìona, tha àireamh mhòr de luchd-cleachdaidh agus luchd-reic air feadh na dùthcha, a' dèanamh margaideachd agus na h-uile ann an aon service.Nowadays tha e air a mheas mar an ceannard ann an achadh cuidhteasach meidigeach cuid.
barrachd Roghainnean
test tube | Vacuum fuil chruinneachadh tube |
miocroscop sleamhnag |
centrifuge tube | Petri mheis | Pasteur pipette |
If you are interested in our product,please contact me.
C: A bheil thu a 'chompanaidh malairt no Dèanadair?
Tha sinn a 'chompanaidh gnìomhachais agus malairt le iomadh bliadhna eòlasan.
C: Dè cho fada a th 'agaibh lìbhrigeadh àm?
About 5-15 days
C: Dè mu ur dèidh Sale Seirbheis?
1) All products will have been strictly Quality Checked in house before packing.
2) All products will be well packed before shipping.
3) All our products have 1 year warranty, and we sure the product will be free from maintenance within warranty period.
Q: What about your after Sale Service:
1) All products will have been strictly Quality Checked in house before packing.
2) All products will be well packed before shipping.
3) All our products have 1 year warranty, and we sure the product will be free from maintenance within warranty period.
C: Dè mu dheidhinn an luingeis?
By air/by sea/by car
You can choose your own shipping forwarder.
Q: what is your MOQ(Minimum Order Quantity)of product?
Bathar eadar-dhealaichte, a 'char as lugha an òrdugh eadar-dhealaichte